James has had a busy summer! He has done 3 weeks of Conductive Education camp at March of Dimes, Medek, strength training and occupational therapy at SMILE therapy for kids as well as horseback riding at WindReach Farm and massage. We have packed his schedule for August, September and October until we leave for St. Louis. The goal is to get him as strong as possible before surgery. He’s working hard!
Here’s some photos at Conductive Education:
SMILE Therapy for Kids:
James had his annual hip x-ray a couple weeks ago and the results are not ideal. His hips have migrated a few more degrees on each side. Our developmental paediatrician at Grandview is very happy we have a cancellation date for SDR as James’ hips will absolutely benefit from not having spasticity pull away his hips from the socket (ouch!) Thankfully James is not in any noticeable pain from this change from last year and his function has not declined which is a key factor when considering if orthopedic surgery is necessary.
We are excited that James has a brand new stander! It is very important for James to have weight bearing activity, particularly for his hip health. This new stander is great. It abducts his feet well and has a dynamic option where the base can move to help build balance and strength (the Kin in me LOVES this!) Let’s make him work!
We've been enjoying our pergola and shade sail in our backyard this summer. Caleb Petke, Mike's cousin, did a great job! James really enjoys playing on the mat under the shade.
James has also really enjoyed the accessible swing installed by my request at our local park - way to go Whitby! He loves it!
And just because their bond makes me smile: